18 July, 2024

The Ministry of Technology and Science has handed over the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Amendment Bill to the Ministry of Justice for drafting.

Technology and Science Minister Hon. Felix Mutati says government has decided to revise the law to strengthen the legal framework and promote a free internet society.

Mr. Mutati says from the Ministry of Justice, the Cyber Security and Cyber Crime Amendment Bill is expected to be subjected to a Parliamentary Committee as it progresses in it’s enactment process.

And Mr. Mutati has assured Zambians that the cyber space in the country is free and people are free to express themselves.

Mr. Mutati says as a democratic country, Zambia has opened up the cyber space for Zambians to share information and enjoy their democratic rights.

He say government is determined to ensure that it provides an inclusive internet which provides freedom for all users.

Speaking in a speech read for him by Technology and Science Permanent Secretary Dr. Brilliant Habeenzu at the 2024 Lusaka Internet Meet-Up in Lusaka organised by Bloggers of Zambia, Mr. Mutati said Zambians must utilise the internet especially Artificial Intelligence due to its vast potential.

“Artificial Intelligence offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance efficiency in service delivery, drive innovation and address complex challenges from predictive analytics in agriculture to personalized learning in education,” said Mr. Mutati.

And Bloggers of Zambia Chief Executive Officer Richard Mulonga said citizens must take advantage of the digitisation of government services online.

Mr. Mulonga says government has taken most of their services online which is giving an opportunity for citizens to access those services using the internet.

He called for more efforts in making the internet accessible to all.

Meanwhile, Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Johan Hallenborg said his country supports a free, open and secure internet to promote human rights.

Ambassador Hallenborg said human rights are the same in the physical world and in the cyber space and they must be protected.

He also disclosed that the Swedish and Zambian Ambassadors to the United Nations are expected to present a Global Digital Compact to secure the internet and promote artificial intelligence to the United Nations General Assembly in September this year.

Ambassador Hallenborg says the two envoys were appointed by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to lead a global drive to promote and secure the internet.

And European Union Charge d’Affaires Matthias Heusing said Zambia has taken bold steps towards digitalization, particularly with the launch of the digitalization agenda in 2023 and the upcoming establishment of a new Cyber Security Agency.

Mr. Reusing said the EU and its member states stand ready to support Zambia in realizing these goals, leveraging their expertise and resources to enhance digital infrastructure, promote digital literacy, and foster an inclusive digital economy.



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