Lusaka, Zambia – April 4, 2024 –

In a strategic move to address the ongoing power deficit affecting Zambia, ZESCO Limited has amended its existing power purchase agreement with Mozambique’s state-owned energy company, Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM).

In a statement today, Zesco spokesperson matongo Maumbi said this amendment extends the original 50MW Off-Peak power supply agreement by an additional year, with an additional 40MW Off-Peak power.


Maumbi noted that this will ensure a continued and enhanced supply of 90MW Off-Peak power to Zambia until June 30, 2025.

The Zesco spokesperson indicated that the extended agreement was officially signed at Ciela Resort in Lusaka by ZESCO limited’s Managing Director, Eng. Victor Benjamin Mapani, and his EDM counterpart, Eng.Marcelino Gildo Alberto.

Maumbi explained that this amendment comes as a critical step in the series of mitigation measures introduced in March to combat the energy challenges Zambia is currently facing.

Maumbi stated that the additional power supply will be prioritized for sectors crucial to Zambia’s economy, including manufacturing, agriculture, and essential services.


Maumbi added that this strategic focus aims to ensure that the nation’s economic drivers remain robust and supported during this period of energy scarcity.

Maumbi further revealed that eng. Victor Benjamin Mapani stated, “This amendment is a testament to the strong partnership between ZESCO Limited and EDM and our shared commitment to ensuring the stability and growth of Zambia’s economy.

“By securing an additional power supply, we are taking significant steps towards mitigating the current power challenges and ensuring that our nation’s critical sectors remain operational and productive.” Maumbi indicated.

“This power supply amendment is a key component of ZESCO Limited’s comprehensive approach to managing the current energy situation. In addition to this amendment, both ZESCO Limited and Electricidade de Moçambique, E.P. (EDM) are currently having further engagements with respect to possible supply of more power so as to cushion the power deficit challenges.” Maumbi indicated.

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