Lusaka,5th December 2023.

The Zambia Medicines Medical Supplies Agency (ZAMMSA) has recalled the Procurement staff who were placed on suspension two weeks ago on condition that performance audit investigations still be continued.

In a statement today, ZAMMSA Senior Public relations Manager Bradley Chingobe said the suspended members of staff were placed on a non-punitive suspension to streamline the procurement Directorate and also pave way for investigations over the appalling performance within the Directorate.

He said the suspension was also meant to facilitate the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) to conduct a performance audit on the current procurement systems at ZAMMSA and these investigations are still ongoing.

Mr. Chingobe added that the suspension was necessitated by failure to meet the procurement plan objectives.

He said the Directorate had only done 22% of the Procurement Plan targets, affirming that this adversely affected ZAMMSA’s efforts to deliver a seamless supply of cost effective and quality health commodities across the country.

And Mr. Chingobe stated that to ensure that there are no challenges with the Directorate, ZAMMSA has recruited a new Director of Procurement to restructure and reorganize the sector so as to enhance efficiency in the procurement process of medicines and medical supplies and effectively meet the procurement targets.

He explained that in order to ensure that ZAMMSA have no gaps in the supply of essential medicines and medical supplies, the agency is currently implementing a new strategic plan that entails the restructuring of some Directorates and units within the Organisation.

He said the new ZAMMSA management will not accept a 22% achievement rate on the 2023 procurement plan.


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