1. Lusaka, Monday (March 4, 2024) –

THE Zambia NGO WASH Forum has submitted that Parliament drops the proposal to include District Commissioners in the Constituency Development Fund Committee – CDFC.

The proposal to include the District Commissioner in the CDFC is in Part II, Clause 4 (j) of the Constituency Development Fund (Amendment) Bill, N.A.B No.21 of 2023.

But Zambia NGO WASH Forum observes that while it is true that the Head of the Civil Service at the district level holds greater stake in district development, DCs have often been considered controversial figures given their appointment by the President and largely seen as political figures.

This came to light when NGO WASH Forum members presented a Memorandum to the National Assembly of Zambia, Committee on Local Governance, Housing and Chiefs Affairs, and Committee on Local Government Accounts on “Ramifications of the Constituency Development Fund (Amendment) Bill, N.A.B No.21 of 2023”.

The Forum, through Ms Chama Mundia submitted that District Commissioners will likely carry a bigger voice and consequently, overwhelm and unlevel the CDFC playing field.

“Deliberations of the CDF Committee may thus be compromised,” she said.

Ms Mundia said while the number of politically connected persons has been reduced in the CDFCs, the presence of the DC significantly shifts the power distribution in the CDF Committees

“In the event of a grievance or complaint, the District Commissioner is the go-to office. However, if they sit on the committee, they become compromised,” the Forum submitted.

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