Below is the statement;

November 23, 2023-Matero Police Station yesterday November 22, 2023 at 21:00 hours received a report of rape in which female Esther Tembo Nyau aged 26 of unknown house number Kahale area reported that a pastor commonly known as John General raped her in her house.

This is alleged to have occurred on November 22, 2023 between 13:00 and 14:00 hours in Kahale area .

Brief facts of the matter are that the woman has been having miscarriages every time she conceives.

She then visited the same John General to pray for her and told her that the prayers are to be done at their home .

Yesterday at around 09:00 hours, the pastor called the complainant that he would be visiting them for the same prayers and at around 13:00 hours he arrived at their house together with another unknown man .

He then told her that he wanted to check in all the rooms as part of the prayers. When he reached the bedroom, he forced himself on the woman and had sex with her as he threatened to shot her if she refused .When all this was happening, the other man was waiting in the sitting room.

At around 13:30 hours, the husband to the complainant Pearson Tembo aged 33 came and found a man in the sitting room.

He then greeted him and decided to proceed to the bedroom where he found the Pastor naked having sex with his wife.

He then went outside and locked the gate. After seeing this the pastor ran outside naked and managed to jump the wall fence leaving all his clothes , a cell phone and a motor vehicle Chrysler Registration number BCD 372 .

The other man also ran away
A Medical report form has since been issued to the complainant. Police have launched a manhunt for the Pastor.

Rae Hamoonga


The videos depicts what happened afterwards as the victim explains how it was.

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