MINISTER of Health Sylvia Masebo signs SI No. 5 of 2024 to introduce stringent measures as the country battles the cholera outbreak.

MINISTER of Health Sylvia Masebo yesterday signed Statutory Instrument (SI) No. 5 of 2024 to introduce stringent measures as the country battles the cholera outbreak.

Ms Masebo said with the new measures, religious gatherings are expected to give public health messages and keep records of them while bedsiders have now been prohibited from entering cholera treatment centres.

Also prohibited are funeral gatherings of more than five people if the person being buried has died of cholera.

It is also an offence to keep people home who have symptoms of cholera while authorised officers can order closure of public premises without sufficient sanitation and hygiene.

“Authorised officers may enter any premises to search for a case of cholera or to enquire if there is a case of cholera,” Ms Masebo said during a briefing in Lusaka yesterday. “Authorised officers may prohibit or restrict trading in or vending of food in unsanitary conditions, leading to the closure of premises that do not comply with hygienic practices.

“Non-compliance to the measures is an offence that will attract a fine of 2,500 penalty units or six months simple imprisonment or both.”

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