The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has directed FKL Breweries Limited and Jubilee Breweries to exculpate themselves for not meeting Public Health Standards during their operations.

A team from the Lusaka City Council’s Public Health Department which was conducting a liquor enforcement activity on the bulk beer manufacturers, discovered that the two companies were lacking proper sanitation.


The production areas were dirty and had no bins, resulting in fly infestations, a violation of the Waste Management Act.

The Local Authority found that the manufacturers were also producing and distributing bulk beer without appropriate packaging. This is contrary to Packaging Statutory Instruments number 23 and 72 of 2012 which entails that all brewers must package their products in packaging that meets Health standards.

At FKL Limited, the team noted that the erring company had collected used containers which may have contained corrosive materials, thereby risking contamination if not properly cleaned.

The company also discharged effluent in an open environment, thereby infringing on the provisions of the Public Health Act Chapter 295 of the Laws of Zambia.

Jubilee Breweries was also found to be operating with dysfunctional toilets amidst poor sanitation.

The Local Authority has, therefore, given a seven-day ultimatum to both companies to provide explanations and show cause why their operations should not be halted.

The Council continues to strongly encourage bulk beer manufacturers to adhere to existing legal provisions and uphold public health standards.

Issued By:
Nyambe Bulumba
Assistant Public Relations Manager
Lusaka City Council – LCC

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