
Chililabombwe 22nd July,2024.

Chililabombwe Municipal Council Fire Brigade in collaborated efforts with Konkola Mineral Resources fire department managed to put out fire that engulfed five shops at Lubengele market near the salaula shelter yesterday at around 23:43hrs.

According to Mr. Joseph Muchimba the Chief fire officer for Chililabombwe Municipal Council, he indicated that the Fire is believed to have ignited from an electrical source that later gutted the five shops.

Speaking when he visited the affected traders at the market, His Worship the Mayor Mr. Lucky Sichone thanked the Fire Fire Fighters both from CMC and KCM for their promptness in responding to fire emergencies, he reaffirmed the importance of working together as a community and stakeholders when faced by tragedies like that of a fire emergency at the market.

The Mayor has appealed to residents in the District who have a tendency of stoning fire officers during emergencies. “They have the right to complain, if they feel our people are acting very slowly, then they can follow the layed down channels to issue their complaints ” the Mayor said.

Further the Mayor has reminded the residents of the need to safeguard the fire engines citting that they belong to the residents themselves as the owners.

The Mayor has sympathized with the affected traders, and also expressed delight that no life nor tangible property has been lost expect for the stands themselves which have been burnt.

Meanwhile Mr. Mulenga George one of the affected traders has appealed for extention of the market shelter that shall cover their stands and prevent them from such emergencies in future.

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