By Hermity Hachilonde

A grade ten pupil of Chongwe Secondary School in Lusaka Province has drowned in Chongwe River while playing with five other pupils.

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga told Ubuntu news in a statement that the 16 year old victim has been identified as Peter Moyo.

Mr. Hamoonga said Peter Moyo drowned on 8th October, 2022 at around 17:00 hours.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hamoonga has explained that Peter Moyo along with five of his friends from the same school went out of school premises without permission to go and play at the river.

He further explained that when they reached at Chongwe River, the pupils found a plastic drum used as a boat by the local fishermen floating on the river and they decided to jump on it.

The police spokesperson said few meters away from the shore the boat capsized and four out the five managed to swim ashore while peter Moyo failed and drowned.

And Mr. Hamoonga continued expounding saying the other pupil who was standing on shore later on jumped into the water trying to rescue the deceased but failed.

He affirmed that the body of the deceased was instead retrieved on 9th October, 2022 around 07:00 hours by Police with the help of fire brigade and has been deposited in Chongwe District Hospital Mortuary.

“All the pupils are aged between 15 and 16.” Mr. Hamoonga said.

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