His Royal Highness Chief Ishima Sankeni VI, a distinguished Traditional Leader, is among the esteemed delegates gathered at the 5th Conference on Land Policy (CLPA) held at the African Union Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

His Royal Highness made a significant contribution to a plenary session on “Land Governance, Regional Integration, and Intra-Africa Trade: Opportunities and Challenges.”

In his compelling submission, Chief Ishima Sankeni VI addressed critical issues affecting effective land governance across the continent.

He highlighted the imminent threat posed by the depletion of customary land, emphasizing that it is a significant challenge to the existence of Traditional Leaders throughout Africa.

Chief Ishima Sankeni VI articulated, “The freedom and rulership of Traditional Leaders are enshrined in the resources they govern, particularly the customary land. If we take away the land, we risk losing the very essence of the rulership of Traditional Leaders.”

Furthermore, His Royal Highness stressed the vital connection between robust land governance and the success of intra-Africa trade. He asserted, “For intra-Africa trade to thrive, we must strengthen land governance systems and ensure their inclusivity. The well-being of our communities and the success of trade partnerships hinge on the responsible management and equitable distribution of our land resources.”

His Royal Highness Chief Ishima Sankeni VI’s presence and insightful contributions at the CLPA underscore the critical role Traditional Leaders play in shaping discussions around land policy and governance. As the conference continues, Chief Ishima Sankeni VI’s advocacy for inclusive and strengthened land governance systems resonates as a crucial step towards sustainable development and regional integration.

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