The Water Resources Management Authority (WARMA) has granted 116 water permits for commercial water use across the country out of 118 water permit applications received between June and July 2024.

In a statement, WARMA Senior Public Relations and Communications Officer Smart Kalaluka said the issued water permits consist of 30 surface water permits and 86 groundwater permits to operationalize various economic sectors and these include industrial purposes, which account for 51 percent, followed by agriculture at 23 percent, and recreation at 14 percent.

He said other economic activities granted water permits are aquaculture at 5 percent, municipal uses at 3 percent, dewatering purposes at 3 percent, and mining at 1 percent.

Mr. Kalaluka noted that the water permits were granted during the Authority’s Board of Directors meeting, convened on 15th August 2024, in accordance with Section 76 of the Water Resources Management Act No. 21 of 2011, which mandates the Authority to provide water permitting services to all commercial water users across the country.

He said in response to the drought emergency, the Authority has instituted responsive procedures to ensure that water permits are issued within the shortest possible time to mitigate the current adverse effects of the drought.

And Mr. Kalaluka urged all the stakeholders who wish to use water for commercial purposes to apply for water permits in accordance with the law.

“As a regulator of the water resources in the country, we wish to reiterate our commitment to ensuring that the country’s water resources are shared equitably, managed efficiently, used sustainably, and preserved for future generations of Zambia.” Mr. Kalaluka said

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