Luangwa Town Council has set aside over Six Hundred and Eighty Thousand Kwacha (K680,000) for road maintenance works under the 2023 and 2024 Feira Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Community Project component.

In a statement this morning, Luangwa Council Public Relations Officer Annedy Longwe stated that under 2023, the Council allocated Two Hundred and Fifteen Thousand, Seven Hundred and Eighty-Four Kwacha and Eighty-Three Ngwee (K215, 784.83) towards patching and stabilizing of potholes on selected sections of the CBD, D145 Road.

She explained that this project will include stone pitching and gravelling as remedial measures to prevent erosion caused by rains.

Ms. Longwe revealed that casual workers have already been engaged to commence repairs works on the eroded portion of the road near ZESCO and other damaged spots.

And Ms. Longwe noted for 2024, Four Hundred and Sixty-Five Thousand Kwacha (K465,000.00) has been approved by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) for the rehabilitation of township and feeder roads across the district.

She said this amount encompasses servicing of equipment, procurement of gravel and improvement of drainages.

The Luangwa council public relations officer added that the local authority has already initiated repairs on selected sections of notable roads, and a comprehensive schedule will be made available to the public through social media and other communication platforms.

She further indicated that additionally, a total of 78 kilometers has been earmarked for rehabilitation under the World Bank Funded Park 19 infrastructure development project.

Ms. Longwe said this initiative aims to upgrade feeder roads in the district.

However, Ms. Longwe noted that it’s important to clarify that, contrary to public speculations incited by recent media reports, the feeder roads will not be tarred but only improved to all-weather standard.

She said the Luangwa Council has since urged continued support and cooperation from the public, emphasizing the shared responsibility in nurturing a vibrant and sustainable community.


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