LUSAKA: The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development (MLGRD) has released K4,715,218,531.00, which includes K298, 249, 817.44, Supplementary Budget, for the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to all 156 Constituencies.

This translates to EACH Constituency across the Country, RECEIVING 100% CDF FUNDING amounting to K28,313,902.01 allocated in this years National Budget.

CDF is one of the New Dawn Governments flagship programmes, whose amount was enhanced from a paltry K1.6 Million per Constituency in 2021 to an unprecedented K25.7 million in 2022, and K28.3 million this year with a further increase in the 2024 National Budget to K30.6 million per Constituency with the aim of ensuring more resources are directly provided to communities for local development and provision of basic services such as clean and safe drinking water, maternity wings, school infrastructure and school desks.

The scope of the CDF was also increased from community projects to include empowerment (grants and loans) and bursaries (skills development and boarding secondary school).

“This last amount of CDF that has been released now entails that each Constituency across the Country has received a 100% CDF funding allocated in this years National Budget,” MLGRD Permanent Secretary (Administration) Mr. Maambo Haamaundu stated.

Mr Haamaundu stressed that through CDF, the Governmentโ€™s development aspirations of reducing poverty and inequalities are being attained through; empowerment of women, youths and vulnerable groups, skills development, provision of secondary bursaries, and implementation of the various community projects.

He said, with the full CDF funding for each Constituency, there should be NO EXCUSE from Local Authorities, Members of Parliament, the Constituency Development Fund Committees, and the Ward Development Committees in executing their mandate to deliver more meaningful development to communities as doing so will be attributed to inertia.

Mr Haamaundu implored those in charge of the Fund to utilize it prudently for its intended purposes in order to facilitate economic transformation at the local level with full participation of communities.

He said, this is because, having commenced the implementation of the expanded CDF in 2022, communities have begun to witness a gradual transformation.

Additionally, through the implementation of the Decentralisation Policy, he said the Ministry is optimistic that communities will also play an active participatory role in addressing their social and economic needs.

He cited how the education sector has consistently received a significant portion of CDF at a cumulative percentage of 51% with thousands of youths already accessing bursaries in secondary schools and trades training institutions.

Major projects funded under this sector include; bursaries, construction and rehabilitation of classroom blocks, the construction and rehabilitation of staff houses, and the procurement of desks.

In the Health sector, the projects accounted for a cumulative percentage of 18, which included; construction of maternity annexes in rural areas thereby significantly reducing the long-distances expectant mothers cover in accessing quality health-care services.

Mr Haamaundu reaffirmed the Ministrys mandate to promote an effective local governance system and facilitate the delivery of Municipal services and infrastructure development through Local Authorities to contribute to improving the livelihoods of Citizens.


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