Chipata City Council Town Clerk Aaron Kamalondo and the Head of Procurement Harriet Kamuchungu Mwape have been arrested by the Anti-Corruption Commission and charged for corruption involving over K3.5 million.

In a statement today, ACC head of corporate communications Timothy Moono said Mr. Aaron Kamalondo, 56, of house number 470, Luangwa Drive has been charged with one count of Willful Failure to Comply with Applicable Procedures or Guidelines relating to procurement, contrary to Section 34 (2) (b) as read together with Section 41 of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012 of the Laws of Zambia.

Meanwhile, Mr. Moono said Mrs. Harriet Kamuchungu Mwape, 54, of plot number 1186, Moth in Chipata, has been charged with two (2) counts of the same offences.

He said it is alleged that Aaron Kamalondo, being a public officer, namely Town Clerk at Chipata City Council, between 12th May 2022 and 11th August 2022, in Chipata District, willfully failed to follow applicable procedure and guidelines in the manner he cancelled the procurement process relating to the supply of a Grader and a Roller Compactor without following cancellation procedures as provided for under the Public Procurement Act No. 8 of 2020 and the Public Procurement Regulations of 2022.

Mr. Moono noted it is alleged in count one that Harriet Kamuchungu Mwape, being a public officer, namely Head of Procurement at Chipata City Council, between 5th May 2022 and 20th May 2022, in Chipata, willfully failed to follow applicable procedure and guidelines in the manner she issued invitation for bids dated 5th May 2022 without the appropriate bidding documents and before receiving approved purchase requisitions for the Grader and Roller Compactor as provided for under the Public Procurement Act No. 8 of 2020 and the Public Procurement Regulations of 2022.

In count two, Mr. Moono stated that it is alleged that Harriet Kamuchungu Mwape, being a public officer, namely Head of Procurement at Chipata City Council, between 5th May 2022 and 20th May 2022, in Chipata District, willfully failed to follow applicable procedure and guidelines in the manner she issued invitation for bids dated 5th May 2022 for a Grader and a Roller Compactor before the procurement was approved by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development as provided for in the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Committee Act number 11 of 2018.

And Mr. Moono said both Mr. Kamalondo and Mrs. Mwape have been released on bond and will appear in Court soon.


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