Accidents claim 600 lives in the second quarter of this year.

JULY 12, 2024 – Police recorded 469 fatal Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) in which 600 people died while 1,570 people were seriously injured in 876 serious injury RTAs recorded during the second quarter of this year.

2,760 people were slightly injured in 1,896 slight injury accidents while 5,794 RTAs were recorded as Damage only road accidents.

4,924 RTAs were recorded in Lusaka while Copperbelt and Central provinces recorded 1,156 and 795 accidents respectively.

Southern Province recorded 496 accidents, North-Western had 423, Eastern 324, Luapula 270 while Muchinga had 255 RTAs. Western recorded 205 and Northern Province had 187 RTAs.

During the same period in 2023, 525 people died in 421 fatal road traffic accidents while 1,604 people were seriously injured in 919 serious injury accidents.

Police recorded 9,035 accidents during the second quarter of this year as compared with 9,679 RTAs recorded in 2023 during the same period.

Police impounded 12,060 motor vehicles in which 512 drivers were found to be unlicensed.

K 15,957,740.00 was collected as Admission of guilt fine while K15,106,514.00 was collected in 2023 during the period under review.

Most of the accidents recorded were attributed to low compliance level by motorists, motorcyclists and other road users.

Danny Mwale
Deputy Police Public Relations Officer


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