Kawambwa Town Council has approved its budget amounting to Ninety Four Million, Four Hundred Sixteen Thousand, Forty Six kwacha Twenty Nine Ngwee (K94, 416, 046.29) for the year 2024.

This is against Seventy Four Million, Two Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred Forty Three, Ninety Three Ngwee (K 74, 278, 943.93) for the year 2023 , giving an increase of 27%.

The sources of financing for the 2023 budget include resources that will be generated from local taxes, fees and charges, levies, permits and other incomes estimated at K7,418,704.36 against K6, 838,667.00 in 2023.

National support which is the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is estimated at K61, 271,283.93 while the Local Government Equalization Fund (LGEF) is estimated at K11, 094,722.80 in 2024.

Local governance for the year 2024 is estimated at K2, 998, 542.87 while the Integrated Development Plan is estimated at K2, 584, 570.43

Public Health and Environmental Protection for the year 2024 is estimated at K1, 092,118.75, while primary health services is estimated at K5, 501,817.07 respectively.

Management and Support Services is estimated at K7, 280,920.27 while Housing and Community Amenities for 2024 is estimated at K10, 452,709.53.

Kawambwa Town Council will further receive a grant amounting to K3, 720,000.00 for capital projects from the Zambia National Devolution Support Programme following the Local Authoritys successful production of unqualified audited financial statements for 2021.

Among the capital projects earmarked to be implemented during the 2024 financial year by the Local Authority include; rehabilitation of Chimfwembe market, construction of an office block at the Civic centre, maintenance of feeder roads, installation of street lights and construction of a modern bus station among others.

The budget which was presented by Finance and General Purposes Committee Chairperson Cllr. Chansa Fanwell was adopted during the Special Council meeting held at Kawambwa Town Council Chamber.

The budget will be submitted to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development for final approval..

Issued by: Kashi Joel Norman

Public Relations Officer


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