27th January 2024

Her Worship, the Mayor of Lusaka, Ms Chilando Chitangala, has called for serious community participation if the cholera cases are to be curbed in the city.

The Mayor said this today when she spearheaded an anti-cholera clean-up exercise at Lubama Market, commonly known as Kamwala Market.

Ms Chitangala described the clean-up and sensitisation exercise as timely, as it followed a directive by the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Hon. Garry Nkombo, MP, who instructed all local authorities to spearhead and supervise the cleaning and disinfecting of all public places, such as markets, as well as the fumigating of drainages.

“I think that it is high time that leaders at all levels take a stance in ensuring that cholera is kicked out, and one of the best ways of doing this is by taking a pragmatic approach that challenges us to lead by doing, as Mayor, I want to press on record that am very happy that people here in Kamwala have taken the call seriously and cleaned their surroundings. said the Mayor.

The Mayor has since thanked the business community in Kamwala for responding to the cleaning initiative warmly and emphasised the need for community-led action, describing meaningful engagements of the ordinary people as significant in the cholera fight.

She said that if the business community practised consistency in the cleaning undertaking, Kamwala Market would potentially become a key example of cleanliness in Lusaka, which would in turn help increase sales.

And Kamwala Ward 5 councillor, Mainda Simataa, has challenged Kamwala residents to be vigilant and join the fight, adding that a clean city is not a preserve of the government alone, but one that requires the involvement of all patriotic Zambians.

Councillor Simataa has since hailed the Lusaka Mayor for playing a key role in the cholera fight.

And Kamwala Market Chairlady, Ovaris Hambwaalula, has expressed gratitude that the mayor and the area councillor joined the marketeers in the cleaning exercise.

Ms Hambwaalula said that the market executive had engaged all marketeers on the need to carry out intensive weekly clean-up exercise campaigns, as trading in clean spaces is a public health requirement.

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