Amos Chanda Goes In For Insulting Officers Of The Law.

Credit: ZNBC News

Former Presidential Press Aide, AMOS CHANDA has been sentenced to Seven months simple imprisonment for using insulting language and obstructing Anti-Corruption Commission -ACC- officers.

Mr. CHANDA has been jailed together with his wife, MABLE CHANDA and his sister in law, RUTH MULENGA, who are his co-accused.

In this matter, Mr. CHANDA, his wife and his sister in law were facing charges of using insulting language in count one and two and obstruction in ccount three before Lusaka Magistrate, DOMINIC MAKALICHA.

When the matter came up today for judgement, Magistrate MAKALICHA said the state had proved the case beyond reasonable doubt and that the words used were insults and provocative.

Magistrate MAKALICHA said the action by Mr. CHANDA and his Co accused amounted to obstruction and prevented the officers from carrying out their lawful duties.

He said it was unfortunate for the convicts to use such language on officers who were performing their duties on behalf of a government institution.

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