August 2, 2023
The Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency (ZCSA) has seized an assortment of expired Clear Beer namely Flying Fish, Smirnoff and Amstel as well as carbonated drinks valued around K2,528.000 from the Garage and Fair Deal Bars of Lusaka’s Matero Township.
Zambia Compulsory Standards Agency Head of communication Brian Hatyoka said this is in contravention of the Zambian Standard – (ZS) 430: Clear Beer – Specification and the Compulsory Standards Act No. 3 of 2017.
He said the expired beverages have been withdrawn from the two bars and are awaiting disposal.
Mr. Hatyoka said this particular enforcement exercise was conducted by the Agency on July 31, 2023.
He has since warned traders to avoid supplying products that may put the health and safety of consumers at risk.
Mr. Hatyoka said with effect from 31st July 2023, ZCSA has intensified its market surveillance inspections countrywide in a bid to curtail the sale of unsafe products covered under compulsory standards.
He said the countrywide market surveillance programme is aimed at ensuring continued compliance of products within compulsory standards, to protect consumers in line with the Agency’s mandate.
“Currently, the Agency is participating at the ongoing 95th Zambia Agricultural and Commercial Show in Lusaka under the theme “INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION”. He said.
And Mr. Hatyoka said ZCSA regulates 61 products subject to compulsory standards covering food products, beverages, chemical products, fertilizer, fuel, household electrical appliances and used Textile Products containing Undergarments, among other products.
“This regulatory mandate contributes to Inclusive Economic Transformation in different sectors of the Zambian Economy. “
“ZCSA is a statutory body under the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry (MCTI) mandated to administer, maintain and enforce compulsory standards for the purpose of public safety, health, consumer and environmental protection.” Mr. Hatyoka said

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