Chililabombwe Municipal Council and Stakeholders joined hands to Clean Kasumbalesa border to combat Cholera outbreak.


By Nambela Mwandia Kyombela (Chililabombwe-13th January 2024)

More than 10 organisations/ stakeholders in Chililabombwe on 12th January 2024 joined hands to clean drainages at Kasumbalesa border and made topical lime applications on stagnant water for Cholera prevention.

Leading the team Chililabombwe District Commissioner Ms Precious Njekwa that the district which is now standing on three cases of Cholera reported needs concerted efforts from all stakeholders to fight and prevent the spread of tge diarrheal disease.

“I am urging all residents especially traders to clean their trading premises especially drainages which may lead to flooding and Cholera outbreak,” the DC said.

The District Commissioner further urged traders to get back to markets and desist from selling their meechandise near thw roas side as this contributes to waste accumulation in drainages.

“I am urging the Local Authority not to allow anyone to sell products in an undesignated places,” she added.

And Chililabombwe Deputy Mayor Ms Getrude Witola has stated that traders at the border post should hold in continuity todays massive clean up exercise by stakeholders to aid prevention of Cholera outbreak in the area and district as a whole.

Meanwhile CMC Director Public Health Dr Gift Sakanyi has called on all chililabombwe residents to keep their environmwnt clean as this will prevent cholera outbreak as the disease is preventable.

And Chililabombwe Constituency Youth Chairman Mr. Chrispine Sankwa urged all residents to join hands with government to keep their surroundings clean.

The youth Chairman said ita everyones responsibility to properly dispose off garbage in waste bins that are strategically placed within the district.

Stakeholders present during the exercise include Chililabombwe Municipal Council, The District Administration Office, Lubambe Mine, KCM, Zambia Police, Immigration, Forestry, District Health Office, Trade Kings, Sanity Committee, UPND District Party Officials, Zambia Army among others.

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