Hon. Jacqueline Sabao Discusses Global Collaboration and Development at 148th IPU Assembly in Geneva.


Geneva, Switzerland – In an exclusive interview with the Geneva Times, Honorable Jacqueline Sabao, esteemed Member of Parliament from Zambia, shared her insights and experiences from the ongoing 148th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) assembly, held in Geneva from March 23 to 27.

Hon. Sabao, who has been at the forefront of advocating for sustainable development and enhanced international cooperation in the Zambian parliament, emphasized the significance of global parliamentary collaboration in addressing pressing issues such as climate change, health crises, and economic disparities.

“The 148th IPU assembly provides a unique platform for parliamentarians across the globe to unite and forge pathways towards a more sustainable and equitable world,” said Hon. Sabao.

“We need to share our experiences, challenges, and best practices to collectively tackle the pressing issues that transcend our national borders.”

During the assembly, Hon. Sabao has been actively involved in discussions focusing on enhancing democratic governance, promoting peace and security, and ensuring that development efforts are inclusive and sustainable.

Her participation in various committees and forums has highlighted the crucial role that Zambia and other African nations play in the international dialogue on development and democracy.

“The challenges we face today require concerted efforts and shared solutions. Whether it’s climate action, health, or economic recovery, the answers lie in our ability to work together as a global community,” Hon. Sabao added.

In addition to her duties at the IPU assembly, Hon. Sabao has also been engaging with her international counterparts to explore bilateral and multilateral initiatives that can bolster development projects in Zambia, particularly those aimed at empowering women and young people.

As the assembly draws to a close, the insights and commitments shared by global leaders, including Hon. Sabao, underscore the importance of parliamentary diplomacy in fostering a more peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world.

The Geneva Times will continue to provide updates and coverage on the outcomes of the 148th IPU assembly and its implications for global governance and development.

About the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU): Established in 1889, the IPU is the global organization of national parliaments. It works to promote democratic governance, institutions, and cooperation among its member states, supporting the efforts to achieve peace, inclusive development, and human rights around the world.

Interviewed by: SARIFUDEEN M Zahran, Correspondent – Geneva Times.

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