
Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has launched 8 Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) out of the 12 districts in Luapula province.

The districts whose IDPs have been launched include; Kawambwa, Chiengi, Nchelenge and Mwansabombwe. Others include Mwense, Mansa, Samfya and Chifunabuli respectively.

Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Hon. Garry Nkombo who officiated the launch stated that the IDPs were not only a legal requirement but also a prerequisite to sustainable and meaningful spatial and economic development of the districts.

Mr. Nkombo said that the documents were of particular relevance as the country grappled with the devastating consequences of climate change further stating that the plans were strategic planning instruments that were aimed at enhancing coordination and integration of development efforts by all development stakeholders in the IDP areas.

He revealed that the unsustainable use of natural resources had greatly contributed to climate change in the province and nation at large hence mainstreaming of land use, climate change and other cross cutting development issues into district and provincial level planning remained critical.

The Minister stated that government led by His Excellency Mr. Hakainde Hichilema aspired to correct the indiscriminate use of land and poor development practices by promoting orderly land management further urging all Local Authorities to work with all the stakeholders in respective districts to successfully implement the IDPs.

Hon. Nkombo noted that the IDPs were expected to guide Local Authorities to prudently spend Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in different sectors through identified projects adding that government was going going to meet the needs of the people and ensure that resources were channelled to areas of greatest need.

He further implored all the Local Authorities to senstize Ward Development Committee’s (WDCs), Constituency Development Committee’s (CDFCs) and the general citizenry on the contents of the IDPs and their importance to the developing of districts.

And Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Mighty Mumba said the IDPs were a principle planning documents to guide and inform all planning and developments that were aimed at bringing together priorities, needs and aspirations of local people and set out the clear roadmap for achieving the desired outcomes.

He stated that the IDPs were aligned to the 8NDP and had been formulated to support the achievement of the vision 2030 and sustainable development goals.

Mr. Mumba disclosed that the IDPs had been developed in consultation with the relevant stakeholders including community members at Ward level, government officials and development partners at district level.

The permanent Secretary revealed that the mission of the IDPs was to promote inclusive and sustainable local economic growth, improve access to basic services such as health care and education and enhance environmental protection.

He further retariated governments commitment in supporting the implementation of the development plans further emphasizing that government was going to work closely with all stakeholders to provide the necessary resources and support.

Mr. Mumba disclosed that the remaining 4 districts namely; Chembe, Lunga, Chipili and Milenge whose IDPs were not yet done had made tremendous progress and their plans were going to be submitted to the Ministry for approval by the end of June, 2024.

The IDPs are statutory medium term (5-year) strategic plans which guide Socio-economic and spatial development and service delivery within a municipality.


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