A 13-year-old girl defiled by a 15-year-old boy resulting in the victim getting pregnant.

March 25, 2024 –

A 13-year-old girl was defiled by a 15-year-old boy resulting in the victim getting pregnant.

In a statement this morning, Police deputy public relations officer Danny Mwale stated that this occurred on unknown dates and times but between February 2024 and March 23, 2024 in Lusaka’s Kanyama compound.

Mr. Mwale said police investigations revealed that the girl missed from her parents house and only showed up on March 23, 2024 and when asked by her parents, she revealed that she was at her boyfriend’s place within Kanyama compound.

He said Police further discovered that the defiler was equally a child who is doing some piece works.

Mr. Mwale noted that the children were placed in the custody of their guardians awaiting to be taken to the Social Welfare for further action.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwale said thatย  a docket was opened against the boy and a medical Report form issued to the girl.

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