Lusaka, 17 May 2024 –

ZESCO Limited has in the week ending 17 May, recovered property valued at K 92,010, recorded 49 arrests and secured 5 convictions related to vandalism and theft of property.
The total of 54 cases (arrests and convictions) recorded within the week, represents a slight decrease from the 59 cases reported the previous week. The total value of property lost was K828,255.47, down from K921,639.14 the week before. Notably, cases of vandalism dropped by 8%, with 42 incidents compared to 46 in the prior week. Additionally, five cases of attempted vandalism and seven other criminal incidents were recorded.
Cases of Interest
Vandalism/Apprehension of Seven Suspects for Vandalism of a 11/04 50 KVA Transformer
On 14 May 2024, around 03:30 hours, ZESCO Security, acting on a tip-off, intercepted vandals in the act of damaging a PMT at Kimakolwe Primary School in Solwezi District. The swift response, in coordination with armed Zambia Police officers, led to the apprehension of one suspect at the scene. Subsequent investigations and a manhunt resulted in the arrest of seven suspects, who have been charged with vandalism and detained at Solwezi Central Police Station.
On 15 May 2024, ongoing investigations into the Kimakolwe PMT vandalism led to the arrest of ten suspects in Solwezi for possession of property suspected to have been stolen or unlawfully obtained. This operation revealed that the suspects had also vandalized the Mulemba Villa 50 KVA PMT on 29 April 2024. The team recovered sacks of copper pieces and assorted copper cables.
Arrest of 11 Suspects for Possession of Stolen Property in Mufulira
On 09 May 2024, Mufulira Police Officers arrested two suspected vandals who provided information leading to the recovery of armoured wires in Kankoyo Township. Further operations by the security team resulted in the arrest of eight additional suspects connected to a series of vandalism cases in Mufulira District.
Community Engagement and Future Efforts
The successful arrests and recovery of stolen property can be attributed to the quick action of security patrol teams and the positive response from community members.

ZESCO continues to encourage public vigilance and cooperation to prevent and report criminal activities.
In a decisive ruling at the Lusaka High Court, Judge C. C. Zulu sentenced Amos Mastano Mutambo, aged 26, to ten years of imprisonment with hard labour for the vandalism of service cables. The conviction marks a significant victory for the Security Services, particularly the officers operating under the Lusaka East Zone of the Lusaka North Region.
Mutambo admitted to vandalizing service cables at two key locations in Lusaka: Munali Boys Secondary School and Chainama Health College. His actions disrupted essential services, emphasizing the critical need for robust security measures.
On May 9, 2024, the Ndola Subordinate Court convicted Peter Kalukanda (25) and Ernest Lazarus Kalukanda (62) of possessing property suspected of being stolen. The offence is contrary to Section 319(a) of the Penal Code of Zambia.
The accused, who are residents of Ndola’s Pamodzi Site and Service, were found in possession of eight ZESCO earth rods during a routine search conducted by ZESCO security and Zambia Police officers on January 10, 2024. Further investigations revealed that Ernest Kalukanda, one of the accused, is a retired employee of ZESCO Limited.
Both men pleaded not guilty, but after a trial that included five witnesses from the state, they were found guilty. They were sentenced to three months imprisonment with hard labor, suspended for twelve months. The court also ordered the eight earth rods to be returned to ZESCO Limited.
In a separate incident, on May 7, 2024, an unidentified male believed to be in his thirties was found electrocuted near a high-powered electrical pole in Lusaka’s Multi Facility Economical Zone. Preliminary investigations suggest the deceased was attempting to steal an earth wire when he was fatally electrocuted. The body was transported to the University Teaching Hospital Mortuary after being certified dead by medical personnel. The Woodlands Police Station is investigating the incident.
ZESCO appreciates community vigilance and reporting of suspicious activity, as it helps build a safe and sustainable environment together. The Corporation remains vigilant in safeguarding its assets and ensuring a reliable electricity supply for all customers.



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