Patriotic Front Party President Miles Sampa Writes:


Last few days together with our PF Chairman Hon Davies Chama, we formally applied to the Ministry of Health for Hon Chishimba Kambwili that is very ill to be evacuated for specialized treatment.

Yesterday we were informed by the Health Minister Hon Sylvia Masebo that the Republican President Hakainde Hichilema has approved for Kambwili to be taken to India or South Africa and receive the necessary specialized medical attention that thus far, has not been possible to achieve locally.

I visited Kambwili late last night and informed him of this development.

What remains now is for us to apply to the Court for the Judge’s permission for him to leave the Country given he is on bail from a sentence he received in Kasama a few weeks ago.

We grateful to the government and President HH on this humane gesture towards our brother and colleague.

We further seek God’s intervention on Hon Chishimba Kambwili’s health so that he recovers quickly.

Miles Bwalya Sampa, MP
Patriotic Front (PF) President
Saturday 13th January, 2024

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