Classic Investment Contracted to Improve Moomba- Nabukuyu Road.

Monze Town Council in Moomba ward has recently awarded Classic Investment the contract to enhance the road network in the area.

Council Spokesperson Kanchele Kanchele has explained that the project involves working on the 45-kilometer Moomba-Nabukuyu road, a crucial route for the local community in Moomba Ward.

Mr. Kanchele said a total cost of K3.5 million was allocated by the CDF Committee for the road works and that the Local Authority aims to improve accessibility and transportation efficiency in the region.

He explained that the road works primarily consist of clearing and grabbing using a bulldozer.

He further added that the project also includes forming, shaping, and gravelling to ensure a smoother and more durable road surface.

“These enhancements will contribute to a safer and more comfortable traveling experience for motorists.
The works were originally set to be completed in 60 days, however, there might be a slight delay due to unfavorable weather conditions,” he said.

And Constituency CDF Committee Chairperson Micheal Musili has assured the community that the road project is a necessary development and a valuable investment for the area.

Mr. Musili said the decision to hire Classic Investment was made after careful consideration and expert advice from technocrats at the council.

Speaking on behalf of the Moomba Constituency CDF Committee, Mr. Musili expressed satisfaction with the project’s progress.

He highlighted the importance of collaborating with professionals to ensure a high-quality outcome that meets the community’s needs.

He also said committee is confident that the contracted company, Classic Investment, will deliver results that will benefit not only Moomba ward but other road users in Constituency and District at large.

The Moomba-Nabukuyu road improvement project signals a significant step towards improved infrastructure and better connectivity for Moomba ward. It reflects the commitment and dedication of Monze Town Council to prioritize the needs of its constituents. The project’s completion will undoubtedly bring lasting benefits, contributing to the overall development and prosperity of the area.

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