US$245 million internally sourced


…dispels lies by PF faction that the money came from NAPSA

Vedanta Resources Holding Limited says the US$245 million it paid to creditors this week was internally sourced.

The mining giant has effectively, dispelled as lies, Information and Publicity Chairman of the PF faction Emmanuel Mwamba’s statement that the US$245 was borrowed from NAPSA.

In a statement issued by Vedanta Director Corporate Affairs Director, Masuzyo Ndhlovu, the funds were sourced internally from within the Vedanta group.

“Vedanta Resources Holdings Limited (VRHL) is pleased to confirm that the disbursement of US$245 confirmed the disbursement of US$245 million from its accounts to Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) bank accounts in Zambia. The funding was sourced internally from within the Vedanta group,” reads the statement in part.

This is in sharp contrast to the lies that are being shared by the Edgar Lungu faction of the PF.

See full statement below:


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