Stakeholders in Chililabombwe urged to invest in HIV prevention measures


Chililabombwe-15th August 2024
Chililabombwe Mayor Mr Lucky Sichone has called on stakeholders in Chililabombwe district to invest in means of promoting awareness of HIV prevention.

Speaking yesterday during the HIV Testing , Counselling and Treatment Day held at Kakoso Combined School Show grounds the Mayor said there is need to come up with interactive modes especially ones that appeal to adolescents and yound people to take keen interest to access testing, couselling and support services for HIV and Aids.
“Highest totals of those infected rank young adults and adolescents as among those with the virus,” he said.

He said getting tested for HIV and this years theme free your mind, test for HIV today, Secure your future resonates well with governments commitments to raise awareness of the health supoort services available and at the same time reduce stigma and discrimination for those that are infected.

“Aids has continued to rank highest in mortality figures burdening households despite the new annual infectionsdropping from 43,000 in the year 2017 to 28,000 in the year 2022,” he said.

“Commemorations like today provide opportunities to galvanize structures and space to rally together and to intensify awareness and testing ,” he added.
And representing Chililabombwe District Health Director Mr Peter Bwalya said from January to june a total number of 19,546 people were tested and out the figures 603 are positive while 586 have been initiated on ART.

Mr Bwalya called on everyone to go for HIV testing as the fight does not end with testing but furthers down to counselling and treatment or support services.


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